for consultation

(855) 576-4968 (855-LRM-4YOU)
(240) 576-4968 (240-LRM-4YOU)

“Bringing reliable, affordable and superior paralegal and consultation services to stakeholders in the federal sector employee and labor-management community.”- LaDonna Reed-Morton 

Our Business Plan


The Problem

  • Systemic workplace discrimination in the federal workplace – EEOC 2023 Annual Performance Report (February 2024)
  • Lack of accountability for federal agencies and perpetrators of discrimination.  
  • No mandatory consequence(s) for perpetrators or repeat offenders (aka, Responsible Management Officials (RMOs)) of anti-discrimination laws. 
  • Ill-advised management officials on the laws, rules and regulations governing an employee’s terms and condition of employment and anti-discrimination laws. 
  • Lack of transparency and disclosure of judgement payments to lawmakers (Appropriators) responsible for passing federal budgets and overseeing the expenditure of American taxpayer dollars.  
  • Lack of available information and affordable resources, including legal assistance in adjudicating federal sector employment disputes. 
  • Legislative, Administrative and Regulatory Reforms in Government
  • More Transparency in Federal Government Expenditure of Taxpayer Dollars
  • Government Accountability
  • Affordable Paralegal and Legal Consultation Services
  • More Training and Technical Assistance to Federal Sector Management Officials 
  • Comprehensive Information Portals for Stakeholders
  • A Willingness and Dedication from Stakeholders to Change the Culture in Government

Our Services

referral services For federal government employees and Representation at quasi-judicial proceedings

Make federal government employee referrals to licensed, practicing attorneys in the DC, Maryland and Virginia area for legal advice and/or guidance in the discernment of potential claims of workplace discrimination.

Represent federal government employees (supervisors and non-supervisors) in (1) quasi-judicial forums, including the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Services (Arbitration), Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and Merit Protection Staffing Board and (2) administrative proceedings such as Union grievances and Alternative Dispute Resolution meetings.

paralegal services For employment law firms in DC, Maryland and Virginia

Employment law firms may retain the services of LRM & Associates, LLC to assist in the preparation and organization of various legal documents for impending cases and trials. Paralegal services include, but are not limited to, preparing affidavits and correspondence, discussing case details with attorneys and clients and organizing different files for different legal proceedings.

advisory and consulting services FOR stakeholders in the federal government sector (executive and legislative branch)

For Federal Agencies: Conduct hostile work environment inquires and climate assessment surveys and deliver training and technical assistance on the laws, rules and administrative procedures governing employee and labor relations requirements.

For Unions (federal sector): Conduct (1) seminars on making claims of discrimination and navigating the various adjudication forums in the federal sector and (2) workshops with actual case studies.

For Government Bodies: Represent the public’s interests (government accountability) on advisory panels for Government reforms.


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(855) 576-4968 (855-LRM-4YOU)
(240) 576-4968 (240-LRM-4YOU)