“Bringing reliable, affordable and superior paralegal and consultation services to stakeholders in the federal sector employee and labor-management community.”- LaDonna Reed-Morton
Make federal government employee referrals to licensed, practicing attorneys in the DC, Maryland and Virginia area for legal advice and/or guidance in the discernment of potential claims of workplace discrimination.
Represent federal government employees (supervisors and non-supervisors) in (1) quasi-judicial forums, including the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Services (Arbitration), Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and Merit Protection Staffing Board and (2) administrative proceedings such as Union grievances and Alternative Dispute Resolution meetings.
Employment law firms may retain the services of LRM & Associates, LLC to assist in the preparation and organization of various legal documents for impending cases and trials. Paralegal services include, but are not limited to, preparing affidavits and correspondence, discussing case details with attorneys and clients and organizing different files for different legal proceedings.
For Federal Agencies: Conduct hostile work environment inquires and climate assessment surveys and deliver training and technical assistance on the laws, rules and administrative procedures governing employee and labor relations requirements.
For Unions (federal sector): Conduct (1) seminars on making claims of discrimination and navigating the various adjudication forums in the federal sector and (2) workshops with actual case studies.
For Government Bodies: Represent the public’s interests (government accountability) on advisory panels for Government reforms.
(1)Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
(2)Office of Special Counsel / Prohibited Personnel Practices video
(3)U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board
(4)MSPB - Identifying Probationers and Their Rights
(5)Judges' Handbook U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board
(6)United States District Court, District of Columbia
(7)United States District Court, District of Columbia: Representing Yourself in Federal Court; A Handbook for Pro Se Litigants in Civil Litigation
(8)Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
(9)U.S. Federal Labor Relations Authority
(10)Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act of 2012
(11)No Fear Act of 2002
(12)EEOC 2022 Annual Performance Report (March 2023)
(13) EEOC 2023 Annual Performance Report (February 2024)
(14)Freedom of Information Act
(15)28 USC 1331
(federal questions) and 28 USC 1332
(diversity of citizenship; amount in controversy and costs)
(16)U.S. Government Accountability Office
(17)Government Accountability Project
(18)House Committee on Appropriations
(19)Senate Committee on Appropriations
(20)Office of Personnel Management/Collective Bargaining Agreement Database
(21)Office of Personnel Management - Types of Hires
(22)U.S. Department of Commerce - Electronic Official Personnel Folder (eOPF) Information
(23)DC BAR Pro Bono Center
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(855) 576-4968 (855-LRM-4YOU)
LRM & Associates, LLC is not a law firm and does not engage in the practice of law. The content on this website does not constitute legal advice or make assurances of links to outside resource materials and information accessible via this website.